Welcome to our blog

Read about our platform, best practices and deep dives into our engineering practices.

Sailhouse 1.0 ๐ŸŽ‰

Sailhouse 1.0 ๐ŸŽ‰

Covering the 1.0 launch of Sailhouse, pricing information, our roadmap, and reviewing the beta.

18 February 2024

Donโ€™t block your users! Why you should adopt event-driven architecture

Donโ€™t block your users! Why you should adopt event-driven architecture

Learn the real-world applications and benefits of event driven systems.

20 September 2023

Handle Stripe events in 2 minutes with Sailhouse

Handle Stripe events in 2 minutes with Sailhouse

Every product needs to handle payments, and needs to do so reliably. Using Sailhouse to receive and process your Stripe payment events makes it as easy as actually making a Stripe payment.

30 August 2023

Introducing Sailhouse, the easiest way to send events โ›ต๏ธ

Introducing Sailhouse, the easiest way to send events โ›ต๏ธ

Sailhouse is out in beta, we talk a little more about what to expect, some exciting features in the works, and a wider view of who we are and where we're going.

24 August 2023

Beta Launch ๐ŸŽ‰

Beta Launch ๐ŸŽ‰

Sailhouse is ready to use! Get a view of what we've built, and what to expect.

2 August 2023

Subscription Filters

Subscription Filters

Get a quick insight into one of many powerful features of Sailhouse.

16 April 2023

Getting Started

Getting Started

Get up to speed with Sailhouse, and start sending events in minutes.

12 April 2023

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